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NSAA Community Guide
As we continue to populate this listserv as a key communication tool, you may have already received or will be receiving a welcome email from MTSBA. Here are further details on how to become a member of the NSAA Community. In that email, there will be a link that you click on to set up your password. Your username will be your email. After you’ve set up your password you will be able to log in to the NSAA Community.

If you missed that welcome email from MTSBA or inadvertently deleted it, email Wendy at wbrenden@mtsba.org and she can send you another email to set up your password. She can also help you with any other community-related questions.
After you’ve set your password, click here to go to the NSAA Community. You will need to log in using the screen below.

To post a discussion to the community, click on the green Add button within the community. To reply to that discussion thread, click reply. You can reply from email by clicking on the “Reply to Group” button within the email:

Make sure you get the best interactive experience with members of this community, by setting your email notifications real-time or daily digest. You can change this notification under your Profile > My Account > Community Notifications > Notification Settings.