Montana Schools Group Insurance Authority
The Montana School Group Insurance Authority (MSGIA) started with the Workers Compensation Risk Retention Program (WCRRP). MSGIA's workers' compensation pool has provided a self-insured workers’ compensation pool collaboratively with Montana School Boards Association (MTSBA) since November 1989. The program began with 59 founding school district members providing school districts with a customized workers’ compensation program with competitive rates. The MSGIA currently contracts with MTSBA to administer its program and act as the pool’s Third Party Administrator (TPA). Currently, the MSGIA provides workers’ compensation coverage for approximately 400 elementary and high school districts across Montana.
In 2008 MSGIA launched a Self Insured Property and Liability Pool. This program complements the self-funded model the MSGIA has proven so successful since the inception of our self-funded workers’ compensation risk retention pool in 1989. The same key elements and ingredients that have benefited our members so well over the years exist in the property and liability program. Those elements include ownership, risk management, self-governance of, and accountability to those purchasing the coverage. Currently, there are 220 elementary and high school districts participating in this program.